New Forest Reflections

I’ve written a couple of posts on my time with Spud in the New Forest this Spring, once before I started my residency, and again after a week spent there in March. But nothing since setting up my installation Neuro/Queering Nature. So this post fills in those gaps, and shares the exhibition with those ofContinue reading “New Forest Reflections”

Neuro/Queering Nature at spudWORKS

On Friday 1st March I’m beginning a residency with SPUD in the New Forest. With the title Neuro/Queering Nature, I’m going to be looking at the perspectives of LGBTQAI+ and Neurodivergent people on ecologies of place. I’ll be blurring the boundaries between humans and other animals, and thinking about the sensory and systemising differences thatContinue reading “Neuro/Queering Nature at spudWORKS”