Meet the Artist event at Spud, New Forest – Monday 1st July

On Monday 1st July from 5 to 7pm I’ll be at spudWORKS, in the New Forest, at my Neuro/Queering Nature exhibition, sharing some background on the installation and the inspiration behind it.  It will be the last event of my residency – a celebration before the exhibition closes on Thursday 4th – and my first chance toContinue reading “Meet the Artist event at Spud, New Forest – Monday 1st July”

New Forest Reflections

I’ve written a couple of posts on my time with Spud in the New Forest this Spring, once before I started my residency, and again after a week spent there in March. But nothing since setting up my installation Neuro/Queering Nature. So this post fills in those gaps, and shares the exhibition with those ofContinue reading “New Forest Reflections”

Neuro/Queering Nature: Exhibition Opening Event

A little advanced notice so you can get the date in your diary… the Neuro/Queering Nature exhibition, marking the culmination of my residency at SPUD in the New Forest, will open with an event from 5.30 to 7.30pm on Thursday 13th June. For more information on the venue and how to get there visit theContinue reading “Neuro/Queering Nature: Exhibition Opening Event”

Neuro/Queering Nature at spudWORKS

On Friday 1st March I’m beginning a residency with SPUD in the New Forest. With the title Neuro/Queering Nature, I’m going to be looking at the perspectives of LGBTQAI+ and Neurodivergent people on ecologies of place. I’ll be blurring the boundaries between humans and other animals, and thinking about the sensory and systemising differences thatContinue reading “Neuro/Queering Nature at spudWORKS”